9 Common Motivation Challenges – Bonus Solution
Motivation challenges are planted like hurtles on a track.
Demotivating thoughts creep into my actions and decisions constantly.
By clearly identifying the motivational challenge you can address it and make the “jump” forward required to increase your chances of success. Comment below with the challenges you have faced and how you over came it.
9. Distractions
Losing focus on the task at hand is like a butterfly. You see it, land on it, only to flutter away moments later. Our lives are full of distractions. Distractions are obstacles to the goals we are motivated to achieve.
Tip: Set an alarm and work straight through on one project or task at a time. Turn off the email alert on your computer and remove your phone from your work area. Reconsider your involvement with social media platforms. Review how much time you spend scrolling FB & IG, what could you have done with that time?
8. Lack of Clarity
Getting lost in the small tasks can lead you down the rabbit hole in the sense that you lose motivation on the bigger picture.
Tip: This is your vision board moment. Where do you want to go? What light is at the end of this tunnel? Build value around the end goal and focus on it.
7. Choice Overload
Your mind races through the options like a mouse in a maze. So many choices to be made and different outcomes to contemplate, that you become overwhelmed and lose your motivation.
Tip: Walk away. Go do something else to clear your mind. Set a clock and come back. Write down the options and start crossing them off until you are down to two or three. Make a choice or phone a friend as a sounding board.
6. Fear of Failure
Being concerned with what other think, or self disappointment might be holding you back. Mediocrity is your comfort zone, the thought holding you back might be that if I don’t try then I can’t fail.
Tip: Accept your failures and learn from them. Approach life like a scientist, make a hypothesis and learn from the results.
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison
5. Success Anxiety
Having the fear that you will succeed is a more common motivational challenge than most give credit to.
Tip: Look a little deeper, there may be an underlying past experience haunting you. Consider discussing with a professional to work through your self-sabotaging thoughts. Stop worrying about how others will react to your success. If you work hard to earn it, then you deserve it.
4. Sleep deprivation
Sleep is a basic need to function. Lack of it can result in struggle with daily tasks. Irritability sets in
Tip: Highly successful people know the exact number of hours they need for sleep. If I go to be at X, I will wake up at Y. Like sleep training a baby, consistency is key. Learn what you body needs and stick to it. No more “Caffeinate and hope for the best”, be the best with adequate sleep. The choices you make the night before will effect how you respond to motivational challenges the next day.
3. Comparison
Comparing ourselves to someone else is a tempting thing to focus on. We focus on wanting what others have. No two people are the same and our unique capabilities create
Tip: Keeping up the the “Jone’s” is exhausting. Instead focus on your skills and goals. Your motivational skill set will drive to success on your own path.
2. Drudgery
Waking up every day with the same set of tasks can be boring. It is hard to feel motivation through the monotony.
Tip: Search through your daily tasks to find the “something new to learn” feature. Dress up really boring tasks with music or a mental challenge. Change the order of your tasks. Maybe do the most boring to get it out of the way. Get the task complete and move on.
1. Lack of Patience
In this world of instant gratification, we are trained that rewards come quickly or we must be doing something wrong.
Tip: This is not true at all. Life’s most rewarding goals take time and are well earned. “Patience young grasshopper.”
Knowing your motivational challenges will drastically improve your ability to identify them and make necessary adjustments to overcome.
“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” – Epicetus